I was just finishing feeding Bethany her applesauce when I decided to start telling her what she was eating. I repeated app-le a few times (you know, in that Mommy way)and all of a sudden she said, "App-le!" She had no idea what she had just done! I yelled and clapped and her eyes got really big! I repeated it again a couple of times and she did it again, twice! Wow!
As of now, Beth's vocabulary consists of: bye-bye, night-night, ma ma and da da. And now APP-LE!!!
You have a genius baby! You should make a video of it so we can see!
That is a great idea, Jen....since we're not gonna see her until Thanksgiving. ;)
Jen, I know I tell you this constantly.....but she is getting so big. She'll be in kindergarten before we know it. :(
Wow! How exciting! She definitely is growing up so fast! I just love her! Yippee Bethers!!! Congrats on saying App-le!!! :)
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