Pictures are coming soon. Right now I'm getting last minute things together for another trip. Today, my mom, Shelby, Beth and I are going to visit my Grandad and Aunt and Uncle in NW Texas. Poor Adam will be all alone. I told him to watch all the "guy movies" he can stand while I'm gone! He'll be working on getting our bathroom back in order, too. (We're remodeling the bathroom in our bedroom.) I'm excited to see what all he's done while I'm gone. I think all that should keep him pretty busy! We'll sure miss him though!!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas 2008 Summary
Pictures are coming soon. Right now I'm getting last minute things together for another trip. Today, my mom, Shelby, Beth and I are going to visit my Grandad and Aunt and Uncle in NW Texas. Poor Adam will be all alone. I told him to watch all the "guy movies" he can stand while I'm gone! He'll be working on getting our bathroom back in order, too. (We're remodeling the bathroom in our bedroom.) I'm excited to see what all he's done while I'm gone. I think all that should keep him pretty busy! We'll sure miss him though!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Bethany Tidbits
- Bethany has declared her favorite food as I CEAM (ice cream). Every time I ask her if she is hungry she insists on I CEAM.
- She is learning how to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in her own little way.
- The other day she brought me the TV remote and said giggles (Wiggles).
- When she hears music she stops and twirls.
- She still adores her gankie (blankie) and has to have it every time she gets sleepy. She has just recently been asking for a baby when she takes her naps.
- She loves saying her name, "Dethany."
- If you're not careful when you open the refrigerator, you'll get plowed down in an attempt to get to the GAPES (grapes).
- Her answer to everything, regardless the question, is either K or NO.
- When asked what Santa Claus says she heartily replies, "Ho, Ho, Ho!"
Saturday, December 13, 2008
It's a Teddy Bear Christmas!
Sorry the camera was shaky! I was holding Bethany and trying to film!
"Daddy, thank you for my rose!"
Friday, December 12, 2008
Snowman Overalls for the Girls
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Leaves, Leaves, Leaves
Last weekend we decided to tackle the multitude of leaves that our trees so generously dumped in our yard. Usually it takes us 3-4 weekends of back-breaking raking and bagging. This year?
It took us about 4 hours altogether between Bethany's Saturday and Sunday afternoon naps. Adam got a bagging system for his lawnmower last summer which made it tremendously easier to get the job done. Our poor garbage collectors had over fifty big bags full of leaves waiting on them this morning!
Friday, December 5, 2008
The tooth fairy paid Shelby a visit last night!
Now you don't!
Shelby has lost her first set of teeth! Well, yesterday the dentist pulled her first two teeth. She had a permanent tooth growing in behind her two baby teeth and her baby teeth didn't seem to want to be moving too well, so they had to be pulled. She was pretty scared to have them pulled but she was actually very brave. (I think Adam and I took it harder than she did!) She went in the dentist's office with a smile and came out with a smile so I'd say it went well. When they pulled her little teeth (I couldn't watch!) and they put them in the tooth fairy box and I finally saw them, I cried and Adam told me I was making Shelby afraid so I quickly tried to put on a brave face. After all, that was my baby's first baby teeth to lose!
We have been telling Shelby that when she loses her teeth the Tooth Fairy will come while she's sleeping and leave her some money. We told her the REALLY GOOD kids will get a golden coin for every tooth. Sure enough, Shelby awoke to TWO shiny, new golden coins. She was excited!
Here's what the Tooth Fairy left!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Shelby's Reading!
Sam is fit. Fit Sam.
Tim is fit. Fit Tim.
Sam sat. Tim sat.
Sam is fat. Fat Sam!
Tim is fat.
Fat Tim.
Fan Sam! Fan Tim!
From a very young age Shelby has been very interested in books. Not too long after she learned to talk, she'd sit down with her books and tell a creative story from the pictures on the pages. Now she doesn't have to do that anymore! She's reading! I can't believe how much she's learning every day.
Thanksgiving 2008
Cameron, Grandma and Billy
It was so hard for Bethany to keep her hands off of Abby. Poor Abby!
Sweet hugs from Grandma!
We had a really good Thanksgiving! I hope you all did as well.
We traveled 8 hours to get to our family in West Texas. Adam's Aunt Vinita and Uncle Scott hosted and we had a lot of fun. Vinita made it look so easy. She and Cindy had everything prepared by the time we arrived at 11:30! Everything was so good! Yes, Uncle Scott, even your turkey! Yum! Shelby practically lived outside playing ball with cousins Cameron, Jeff and Josh. Bethany ran around EVERYWHERE! The adults visited and had a good time. Adam tried to deer hunt, with no luck. We got to see Grandma Dorman. We don't get to see her very often, so it was good to see her. We all had a really nice time!