**The sign above was posted on this bedroom door yesterday due to big sister's irritation of little sister's ability to slip into big sister's room and make a mess. Little sister just wants to have fun and be just like big sister. Little does big sister know that little sister cannot read this sign. Little sister will probably continue to enter big sister's room anyway and have fun while frustrating big sister!
DIY Spring Moss Bunny Topiary
5 days ago
Oh boy, the girly attitude starts! Guess since she's almost done with kindergarten she thinks she's big now?
LOL!!! That is hilarious!!! Bless both their hearts! Shelby is growing up so fast! I love her sign!
Oh, my!!! Poor thing! Just wait until their teenagers!! That is hilarious!!!
Blahahahaha! Aunt Cindy told me about this and I couldn't stop laughing.
I remember me and Steph telling Joshua that he couldn't play with us and making him cry. Big sisters are mean.
Well, at least it's not for you just yet! :-)
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